Monday, April 19, 2010

Good lifestyle helps save your money.

Good lifestyle helps save your money.
Truly, we have many methods in saving money and they all benefit us if we take them into result. However, most of us quite ignore them because we like an easy and lazy way in living. Sometime, we buy something which is not really necessary for our life. We take it to home because we would like to have it only.

After those stuffs are laid in the home, we do never touch it anymore; for example, we probably buy many pairs of shoes a month though we have already had many pairs of them. That is we buy them because of being lured. We should get rid of this habit out our mind and buy only stuffs that we really need to use them.
These are some tips to avoid being lured too shopping.

1. Buy anything one time per month only. The proper time is at the end of the month so that you can control you purchases. Purchasing at this time will remind you that you have how many things will be done. It will help you stop you from unnecessary ones which you just only would like to have. Since you have to balance your many expenses at the end of the month, anything is taken will be real necessary.

2. You never pay for little pieces of items which you just see them a little in price. You have to save both the price and the net. Just imagine that the small price is the small piece, but the big price is the big piece as well. The latter benefits you more than the former in comparing with one to one. Buy the big piece of any item will help you save your more money.

3. List your items that you need to from your home and follow them strictly. This way you will save from being lured to purchase more than necessary.

4. Take cash as much as your list price only. This way will help you from purchasing more than the list.

5. Especially, before going out, you should clearly divide your salary into various parts so that you can use it in correct ways. Never take one part into another one; for example, don’t take money for paying an electricity bill to buy something else.

6. After finishing your purchase, check your items whether you have got them all or not. If your money left from your purchase, put it into your money box. Never use it to pay for any more items.

7. Teach your children to do like you. You and your family will success in saving money finally.

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